Abuse Talk Podcast

EP40: A Personal Journey into Working in the Sector



Vivien has worked in the field of Domestic Abuse for over 42 years. Her passion is driven by her best friend being assaulted at 21 yrs of age and being left in a waking coma for nearly 23 years before she died. She previously worked as a Company Secretary and started out her career with the Probation Service before starting a family. She campaigns for services on behalf of victims/survivors of abuse at local and national level. More recently she has been involved in advocating for work with those affected by early childhood trauma who perpetrate domestic abuse working on the Drive Project. She has been associated with Victim Support for over 20 years she was an accredited Associate Trainer for Victim Support National Office and specialising in Domestic & Sexual Abuse Training. Her qualifications include: Counselling, Teaching, Child Protection & Executive Diploma in Management, Master Practitioner of NLP, Integral Eye Movement Therapy and accreditation for Hypnotherapy. She has delivered training on b