Gg2h-angela J. Perry

S3: E 4: Arden Santana, Mom of 2 Girls of CT-PA-MD, Cultural relevant home educator and founder of SAHGE Academy



Season 3: Episode 4 For the past decade, @Arden Santana has been the primary educator of two daughters while serving communities across the Northeast region as an educator and consultant. Alongside her husband and children, she is committed to self-reliance within communities of families who value education over schooling, intrinsic motivation as cause for creativity, and scientific processes over emotionalism. In response to parents’ dissatisfaction with school systems across the country after COVID-mandated closings, Arden’s family founded SĀHGE Academy, an alternative educational experience rooted in connected learning and cultural relevance. Arden enjoys reading, creating art with her daughters, hosting guests and loved ones, and traveling. She views her Bachelor’s Degree in English as an outcome of colonized education and her Masters Degree, National Endowment for the Humanities fellowship and certification in personal finance as examples of connected learning experiences. https://ww