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Trade Show 411 with Kelly Helfman



Listen to the latest Trade Show 411 with Kelly Helfman and learn how UBM helps you get your brand noticed. Displaying at a trade show can be scary if you've never been before. Not knowing what your booth should look like, hoping buyers stop by and make a purchase, and moreover, how to sell best can be nerve shattering to say the least. I've been there, I know. But things are different how and I want to be sure you are aware of all the super cool things that UBM offers there days.Trade Show 411Kelly shares all the goodies that UBM provides for new vendors so they don't get lost at their first show. They have staff on hand to help you decide which show to attend, they'll advise on booth design, and even direct buyers to your booth who are looking for what you're selling! The UBM staff also promotes you on social media as part of the package. Amazing free ad ons these days to make sure everyone has a successful time. It's important that buyers walk away feeling content too, so matching t