3 Minutes With Kent

Sudoku and methodical debugging



Yesterday I taught my son Sudoku because he told me that he enjoys math games which was you know, exciting for me to hear and so he yeah, we we just had some sudoku puzzles that I'd printed and laying around and so my wife was working on one and and I was working on one and we were just talking about how we solved Sudoku puzzles and I just mentioned that I pretty much just go with very methodically and I was I was explaining a very methodical process for solving these puzzles and maybe it's not the fastest or anything. I don't really take notes or any.Like write the numbers and or any you know, the possible numbers it could be whatever I just go yeah just think about okay can this number be here no it can't okay let's just move on to the next thing and and eventually you get the whole thing filled out and it works out pretty well and I was just thinking about that and how we do the same thing or I find the most effective thing for me when I'm debugging is to be very methodical about it and and trial and error