3 Minutes With Kent

Don't sell your kindness for time



Hey friends so I was waiting in line for something and I needed to get this thing done so I can move on to my next thing so I wouldn't be late and whatever and there was just this big group of people in front of me that they were just taking a long time and they should have come earlier to do the thing that they were doing because they were gonna be late for what they were doing to and and so it was a little bit frustrating to me and I was part of me wanted to like say something I got or like can I cut in front of you because you know, I just,I'm mine's really quick or whatever but I realized that you know, I wanted to assert myself and be rude to generate like basically to save myself a few minutes it really wasn't a lot of time and it made me ponder a little bit on how how much time are you willing to give to a like to be rude and how much time does it take before you decide that it's better to be rude? I'm now there of course sometimes where it like you, you know, you're it's spouses having a baby or somet