Better Saif Than Sorry Fm (prologue)

Episode XIV - Sonal Aggarwal



In the fourteenth episode - Julia Felix, sadly,was unable to attend this recording, I speak with Sonal Aggarwal (based in Chicago Illinois) who is originally from the Northern parts of India; we talk aboit Vikings (the TV show), national identity, K Pop, the Ku Klux Klan and the merch (merchandise) and much, much more. A truly amazing and extremely funny, witty comedic creator with an online web series on youtube (am hooked more than I am on Netflix). Sonal is definitely a great guest on The show with no name Podcast, I advise you to sip your beverage very carefully while listening to this episode, you do not want to accidentaly snort/sneeze/swallow down the wrong pipe while listening to this episode... you have been warned! To see this epic web series on YouTube click here. To follow Sonal on Instagram click over here.