Mortgagenomics Canada

How to qualify with a $100,000 income even though you only declared $65,000?



When I first became a mortgage broker (in 2004), the hardest thing for me to understand at the time was how business owners got away with qualifying for hefty mortgages with such low declared incomes. Like how does a contracted engineer who declared $65,000 on their T1 General end up qualifying for a $650,000 mortgage (which requires an annual qualifying income of $100,000)?? I did quite a few deals that year and many of them in Calgary's oil and gas sector which consisted of many self employed applicants. And it wasn't until about my third year that I started to comprehend how someone who earned $65,000 could use $100,000 as qualifying income.This type of scenario is prevalent with self employed applicants because their declared income could often be conceivably lower than what it really is. This is mainly the result of the various expenses that business owners claim to reduce their taxes payable. Other factors such as personal i