Reach Church - Everett

People, Plans, and Jesus



Hey there, church! I'm so glad you decided to check out the resources we've made you for this Sunday. Even though we're not physically together this weekend, our hope is to equip you with useful tools to enjoy "church at home" wherever you're at. Up top is a 15-minute message to help you think through your approach to starting 2019. I've included a "Goal Setting Guide" PDF that accompanies the message as well. Print it out and utilize it in your goal setting this year. There's also a link to a video entitled, "A 4-year old explains the problem with New Year's resolutions." Honestly, I thought it was hilarious and might be fun for those of you with kids. Finally, we've added a direct link to our online giving portal. End of year giving obviously won't happen in-service, so you're invited to help advance the mission of the church by giving through the app. Gifts given by the 31st at 11:59pm will count towards the 2018 tax year. I hope you are encouraged and equipped as you work through this content. May