

What happens when we don't see the results of obedience? Following God does not guarantee immediate results, so if we focus on the present we can become discouraged and lose motivation to continue pursuing obedience.   As we wrap up our series in Malachi, we explore three motivations to continue in obedience.   God sees all and remembers all. The temptation to compromise our integrity is very real today. We see what’s going on in our wold today and make assumptions about God; but God sees our deeds. Life is short, and eternity is long. Our world is obsessed with pursuing temporary pleasures no matter the cost. Scripture tells us that keeping our eyes on eternity helps us prioritize how we live in the present. Obedience isn't optional. Obedience and faithfulness is a necessary part of salvation. While we are not saved by works, we are saved to do good works. Transformed hearts should lead to transformed living.   Malachi 3:13-4:6