

Few stories of Jesus are more iconic, gripping, or tender than that of the woman caught in adultery. It’s a story that’s brutally honest, a story of undeniable humanity, a story brimming with redemptive hope, and a story that reveals the forgiveness and love of Jesus in an unforgettable way.   In this sermon, we explore three key points.   1) A Clever Trap: The scribes and Pharisees thought they had Jesus cornered in a trap, but Jesus knew that something was amiss. Would He choose to cruelly uphold the law or compassionately break the law?   2) A Brilliant Escape: Jesus didn't take the bait, but instead turned the spotlight of conviction upon the accusers' own sinfulness. Jesus didn't pretend that the woman was innocent, and He didn't deny the Law of Moses, yet He compassionately stood up for her against their corrupt and unjust motives.   3) A Transforming Love: In His response to the woman, Jesus demonstrated six liberating moves. Jesus separated the sin from the sinner. Jesus called out her si