

One of the unique features of the Gospel of John is the attention he gives to the seven “I AM” statements Jesus uttered. In each of these seven statements, Jesus is recorded as saying the phrase ego eimi – “I AM”. This is the Greek translation of the Hebrew YHWH, meaning “I AM Who I AM” from Exodus 3:14. These are purposeful statements hinting at Jesus’ deity.   In this passage from John 10, Jesus gives us two more “I AM” statements: “I am the Door of the sheep,” and “I am the Good Shepherd.” What on earth does He mean?   Pastor Philip explored three insights into Jesus as our Good Shepherd:   1) The Shepherd’s Provision: In this analogy, Jesus is the Shepherd and we are the sheep. This may seem unflattering, because sheep are notoriously vulnerable animals. But the point for us today is that sheep need a shepherd to thrive, and we need a Shepherd to thrive as well. A Shepherd provides three important things for us: significance, security, and satisfaction. Jesus is the Good Shepherd who offers the good