Artisan Angela - Lessons On Self Coaching

Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 01, The Power of our Thoughts



Welcome to 2019! Another new thing for 2019, is I changed the name of my podcast toStop Over-drinking and Start Living! In 2018 I was sharing how I applied all the self-coaching techniques to make my life better and as I move into growing my business and coaching working moms who want to stop over-drinking, it makes sense to have a podcast that supports those efforts. So to start out 2019 as if we were all starting and learning the basics of what I teach, I decided to dedicate this first podcast episode to what we are thinking. I want to teach you the power of our thoughts.  Once you can get a grasp on how your thoughts create your current results, you can start changing them to get the results you actually WANT. **Interested in joining the Stop Over-drinking and Start Living coaching program? click the link below and watch all 3 videos, read through the information and then click >>APPLY