Artisan Angela - Lessons On Self Coaching

Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 111, Talk with Michelle Barry Franco on Giving Up Alcohol



Please join me in a heartfelt conversation with Michelle Barry Franco on her story of deciding to 'take a sabbatical' from alcohol. Michelle and I have almost identical stories; 3 kids, a professional, lived in California and living the 'winery' lifestyle. Michelle shares why she decided to leave that lifestyle behind and we discuss the nuances of over-drinking and the internal struggle that we had. Like me, in her outward appearing life, you wouldn't have known she was struggling with how much she was drinking. Michelle shares common feelings that most of my clients tell me about as well. Please tune in and feel inspired and like you can do this too!Michelle Barry Franco, Founder & CEO Brilliance at Work: Brilliance at Work Podcast: Join her Facebook Community: Brilliance at Work Community: You can also join me for my [FREE] Live Masterclass It's Not About the Alcohol, Sto