Courageous Fit Female With Jaclyn Castro

69: Is It Time To Break Up With The SCALE? How It Is Trapping You From Finding FOOD FREEDOM!



Do you find yourself stepping onto the scale to check your weight multiple times a day? Are you sick of how it’s controlling and mastering you from the people and things that matter most in life? Do you want to find food freedom but still feel trapped? Tune into this episode to hear the truth about what I focus on instead of the scale when it comes to my weight and how I walk towards food freedom. Warning: This is NOT what the world will tell you to do. In fact, it’s completely AGAINST what any well known fitness influencer will tell you to do. Please share this podcast episode on your favorite social media platform if you are a believer that it will help other women who are struggling with fitness, food freedom, or weight loss. Sharing also helps them to discover how to do things in a different way and they are just plain ol’ WORN OUT of trying to do things the same old way. Thanks so much for passing this on so that Courageous Fit Female can get discovered by other women! Stay Courageous and Fit, Jaclyn Hav