Courageous Fit Female With Jaclyn Castro

70: Uncovering the SHORTCUT to the Perfect Body Image!



Have you tried to lose weight using a popular shortcut method? Did you pledge to another fitness journey (AGAIN) in an effort to see physical transformation but wondering why you haven’t reached that perfect body image? You know… the one that gets all the likes and engagements on an Instagram post? If so, this is an episode you don’t want to miss! This is the episode where we get into shortcuts. Shortcuts as in diets, weight loss strategies, and such and what God wants of you and FOR you. Not only that but we talk about how you are being TRICKED into believing that the culture and society’s shortcut ways are THE way. Have you ever thought about doing this whole weight loss thing, maintaining your weight and so forth according to how God wants you to do it……. EVEN IF if it takes you 1-year (or more!)? Are you redoing the same diet (or trying out the newest fad diet) over and over? Have you added up the months and years doing it? CONSIDER THIS: Is it LONGER when you add up all the time it takes to get you the o