Courageous Fit Female With Jaclyn Castro

80: Are Cheat Meals CHEATING You From Fulfillment?



Can you honestly say that you seek fulfillment through your cheat meals or cheat days? When you have a cheat day or a cheat meal how do you feel afterwards? Do you plan ahead and get excited about what food you will be eating on cheat day? What does God say about cheat meals? Have you ever thought to approach Him about incorporating cheat meals into your week? This may be a hard pill for some of you to swallow but that’s because God’s word cuts straight to the heart. Maybe you aren’t even aware that you’re searching for fulfillment in the foods you choose on cheat days. If you aren’t sure then press play as I go over some questions for you to assess where you stand with cheat meals as a Christian. Food for thought: Cheat days are not an offense to our Lord unless it is attached to a reason that deals with vanity. I pray that you are blessed by the show! Walk in the Spirit, Jaclyn Book your 1-HOUR coaching session with me today! Email me at: Ask me a question or leave me a commen