Courageous Fit Female With Jaclyn Castro

82: Are You Embarrassed to Workout in Front of Others? 1 Effortless Way to Overcome.



Do you ever feel embarrassed to workout knowing that other people will be around you? Especially if you are starting (or restarting) your fitness or weight loss journey where it can feel really intimidating because you don’t really feel “equipped”. Just the thought of entering a gym or walking into a class or group setting means that all eyes will be on you, right? Does this describe how you feel? Or is this what you imagine it would be and feel like to work out in front of others? In this episode, my goal is to help you bust through that false spirit and thought process. Listen in as I share one effortless way to overcome this feeling of embarrassment. I know you will be blessed tuning in. Enjoy the show! Please share this with a friend if you found it helpful in any way. Find Joy in Jesus, Jaclyn P.S. BOOK your 1-hour coaching with me. I have one spot left open for this month! Email me: SHOOT me a voice message with your question(s)