Usc® Radio Productions Ch One

Era of Spiritual Living - Rhonda Marie Brackett & Guest Vincent Genna



“Stop Stopping Yourself and Become Unstoppable!”Vincent Genna, MSW,  is a world-renowned intuitive, respected spiritual teacher, and dynamic, vibrant speaker who provides the clarity and inspiration to help you stop stopping yourself! Over the past 29 years, Vincent’s life experience, extraordinary intuitive gifts and authenticity have allowed him to inspire and change the lives of thousands of people around the world. www.vincentgenna.comWe create our lives consciously or subconsciously. 95-98% of the mind is unconscious and acts automatically. NOT creating the life you want? You are stopping yourself without even knowing it! What blocks you from your gifts and purpose? Become the master of your life, change all you want, manifest complete abundance, and fulfill your dreams!Rhonda Marie Brackett is an internationally known host and spiritual leader whose innermost desire in life is to assist others who are on their spiritual path and life journey.  As a visionary, life strategist, empowerment coach, and spir