Author U Your Guide To Book Publishing

Red Hot Tips for Marketing Books Online Show 04-18-2013



What does Penny Sansevieri, author of Red Hot Internet Publicity, have to do with you and selling lots of books? One word: Everything! Today, on Your Guide to Book Publishing with Dr. Judith Briles, Penny reveals what is working with marketing books online today, what's not, and what the latest strategies are for an author to create book success. You will learn about: -What Internet strategies work best with which genres. -What are the best platforms to use to market specific books. -How to create am Internet Marketing Tour that rocks. -Google+ Authorship, Pinterest, Facebook, Podcasting, Video -How you, as an author can take control of your marketing that will create immediate sales. Penny Sansevieri is one of the true gurus in book marketing strategies. It doesn't matter if you are traditionally published, self-published or work with an independent and small publisher. Her marketing savvy will be become the core of your book marketing success. Also joining Judith will be Nick Zelinger from NZ Graphics