Company Of One With Dale Callahan

163: Finding Your Path After 30 [Podcast]



Finding your path after 30 has some unique challenges. College is just a memory. You have a good career. You have a family. But when you look around at what you do and what comes next - you might be yearning for some direction. The words I hear so often are, "I want more." A client recently told me this: When you get into your 30’s, you do not know where to go. Up to now, you had a plan. High school counselors and parents helped you find a college, college helped you find a job, and when you started the job you had some direction since you were new and just learning. Now, you are experienced with so many options of where to go, and no one is directing you. She said it well. Finding your path after 30, when no one is there to guide you, and you have so many choices can be a rough and lonely road. Finding Your Path After 30 (Podcast Outline) Warning signs you might be on the wrong path (Some of these are taken from Jack Canfield's post on how the universe is speaking to you. The universe aside - some good thou