Company Of One With Dale Callahan

166: I want more. Is that OK? [Podcast]



It is OK to want more. Really. I will tell you why in a minute. But the statement I keep hearing is “I want more”  I want more out of my job. I want more out of my career. I want more out of my degree. I want more out of my life. We all get restless at times and feel like everything is moving but yet not much is happening. We feel like it might not matter anymore. Like we have no place to go. Like we have used up all of our mental energy in what we are doing, and there is nothing more to do.  Then we might say “I want more”  I want more. Is that OK? (podcast outline) In a recent post by Marie Forleo, she showed a sign in a window saying “I want more.” While many of her followers related to the statement, some stated that is was not OK to want more. Ideas like You need to be content with what you have. If you get more, others will have less.  If you are already wealthy (define wealthy) you should stop wanting more because you are taking from me.  But, all of this is part of scarcity thinking, T