Company Of One With Dale Callahan

172: Is Fear Stopping You from Starting Your Business? [Podcast]



Is fear stopping you from starting your business? Before you answer this question, make sure you look clearly at all the common signs of fear. If you think it is something else holding you back from your startup, you might not be doing the right things to get past it. Today we want to look at the common signs that fear is controlling you. Like anything else, identifying the core problem is half of the solution. Is Fear Stopping You from Starting Your Business? Here are common signs of fear that I see every day in startups. What kind of business should I start?  Do not know what to do. This statement is a sign of indecision - usually coming from fear. What are you afraid of?  That you do not know enough? That someone will laugh at you? That you might have to work? The problem is, you already have tons of ideas - most are right in front of you. They are your calling. To find an idea, go through the calling exercise. Is fear stopping you? How to get past it: Download my ebook on calling.