Agriculture Proud

Agriculture Proud 004 – Montana Ranchers on Working With Youth and Being Involved



 Episode 004 of the Agriculture Proud Podcast features a discussion with a ranching couple from far northern Montana. Do you remember the fluffy cow craze a few years ago? The subjects of today’s podcast raise this type of cattle and are a great ranch couple to learn from and spend time with! Butch and Doreen Gillespie raise club calves for youth participating in livestock programs across the country. The Gillespies have been involved in agriculture across the globe and are very involved in their local and state organizations. This was definitely a fun conversation to have and I learn something every time I sit down with Butch and Doreen. They have a great passion for their role in the agriculture community, are always looking for opportunities to continuing their education and to give back to youth programs. You can find them on Facebook at Gillespie Show Cattle and at You can also learn more about their local organization, Marias River Livestock Association. I hope yo