Agriculture Proud

Over A Beer 022 - Beef and Dairy Checkoffs



Everyone aside from those too young remembers the iconic television commercials with Sam Elliott, a catchy tune and the phrase – Beef, It’s What’s For Dinner. But what happened to those ads? Many ranchers complain because these ads aren’t front and center. Why aren’t our Checkoff programs spending $5 million for a 30 second Super Bowl ad? [Read in as an angry complaint] In Episode 022 of the Agriculture Proud Podcast, Dairy Carrie and Ryan continue their Over A Beer Series, with a conversation about beef and dairy checkoff programs. I discussed some of the recent news around the Beef Checkoff in an earlier post. For this podcast episode, Carrie and I carry on the conversation and discuss our experience with these programs. We’ve found that many critics love to complain, but don’t show up to state or national checkoff meetings to express their concerns, reach out to ask their state directors, or even show up to experience Checkoff programs working with consumers. Checkoff programs aren’t doing the same things