Kessler Foundation Disability Rehabilitation Research And Employment

2014 SCI Consumer Conf.- Session II - Using Technology to Create New Opportunities



Session II: “Using Technology to Create New Opportunities”, presenters Javier Robles, JD and Fred Tchang, ATP “Rising to the Challenge:  Creating Employment Opportunity and Maximizing Success,” a consumer conference for individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI), was held on Thursday, October 2, 2014 at Kessler Conference Center—1199 Pleasant Valley Way, West Orange, N.J. The conference is presented by the Northern New Jersey Spinal Cord Injury System (NNJSCIS) and sponsored by the Craig H. Neilsen Foundation, Kessler Foundation, and Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation. The Northern New Jersey Spinal Cord Injury System (NNJSCIS) is federally funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research from the U.S. Department of Education (Grant #H133N110020). A comprehensive system of care, research, education and dissemination aimed at improving quality of life for people with SCI, NNJSCIS collects patient data from the time of injury through long-term follow-up. NNJSCIS is one of 14 SCI M