

More than seven million people in the United States have survived a stroke. Stroke is a leading cause of serious long-term disability. How can research help? On Thursday, June 16, 2016, Kessler Foundation held an evening of discovery and discussion with our rehabilitation researchers. Steve Adubato, PhD, our panel moderator along with distinguished research and clinical staff, A.M. Barrett, MD, Karen J. Nolan, PhD, Mooyeon Oh-Park, MD, and Yekyung Kong, MD demonstrated their latest findings and discussed innovative efforts propelling new discoveries with the latest technologies to help stroke survivors of all ages regain independence and return to their homes, their communities, and the workplace. Be sure and check out the online video "The Brain Damage You Don’t Know You Have” with Drs. Sanjay Gupta and A.M. Barrett at For more information about stroke research, go to