Bs With Bob Schmidt

E13 Chip Lutz - Get Past The Crap



This episode of BS with Bob Schmidt features Chip Lutz author of the book “Get Past the Crap” we talk about how life s a big crap sandwich at different times in our lives and we basically have three decisions and you can take it in and we can ignore it, but most of the time if we do it just gets worse. It sits there and festers and get worse. We can take in and go and complain you know it may eventually consume us. But if we think of it truthfully, take option three, which is just take a big bite and you push through it, you know, push through it wherever you're face to face it, head on to be. A lot of times, you know, we're looking at something that might be negative, but for me I tried to twist around like, all right, this is a really crappy situation. What's the positive in the situation? You know, what can you maybe didn't learn out of this? Want to know more? Listen to the podcast. Featuring Charles “Chip” Lutz