Modern Cinderellas

The Joys of Single Life



In today’s episode Elide and Sanny discuss a topic that is particularly important for Elide: how to be happily single in a world that tells you that the only way to be happy is within a traditional romantic relationship. For Modern Cinderellas this is a very important topic because there is a great risk in presenting a one-size-fits all model of relationship happiness, and it is the risk that women will rather be in an unhappy relationship than being single, because they think that being single means being unhappy. But this is not true and Elide is the living proof. She has been single most of her adult life and she is living her dream life without any intention to get into a relationship for at least the next 20 years. But the reality is that there are not many role models showing women how a single-and-happy adult life looks like, so it is hard to consider this option as a life choice. Elide and Sanny go on giving five advice to women who want to try to live the happy single life:1.Forget about social press