Pmi Ireland Chapter Podcast

Nader K. Rad - Nearly Universal Principals of Projects (NUPP) - Episode 17 S2



Welcome to Episode 17 of the Ireland Chapter of PMI Podcast. In this month's episode, I talk with Nader K. Rad. Nader is a Project Management expert and is av very well respected Author, Speaker and Adviser. Nader's goal to help organizations and individuals improve their project management systems one step at a time, by the realization of their existing potentials, incorporation of the global best practices, and keeping everything as simple and practical as possible. This is not easy or fast and this is not a one size fits all solution, but it’s possible. Nader's words, not mine.In this interview, we talk about a set of principals that Nader believes are key for project management across all frameworks. We also discuss Nader's inclusion in working groups on the upcoming PMBOK 7th Edition.For more about Nader, check him out on LinkedIn - for listening & please do get in touch if you have ideas, feedback, suggestions for the podcast.Regards,Rob