Dr. Dena Churchill: Envision Your Best

Do You Envision & Achieve Your Best With/Without Vaccines?



Are vaccines safe and effective? Is vaccination an informed choice?  Where do we find information to know the warning signs of a vaccine reaction and risks?  The safety and efficacy of vaccinations is a controversial topic.  Depending on who you talk to they are either praised and celebrated for wiping out epidemics or blamed for vaccination reactions and disabilities.  Where is the truth in these extreme ranges of opinions?   Which vaccinations carry the most risk?  Why would the public challenge vaccination?  Who ultimately benefits?   This show is not intended as medical advice.  As with any medical procedure involving a child, parents should gather all available information and discuss the decision of whether or not to vaccinate with one or more doctors and with consideration for the individual laws of your province, state and country.   Our intention in this segment is simply  to illustrate that vaccination is with the most health conscious parents an informed choice and to share with you the resources,