Staying Well

Simple Workouts to Do in Your Hotel Room



You don't need to head to your hotel's gym in order to get an effective workout when staying away from home.Whether you've had to travel for work or a relaxing vacation, have you ever panicked about when you could fit in a workout? If you're a fitness fanatic, the thought of taking a vacation from your workout routines can send your anxiety through the roof.What if there was a way to go on vacation while still having time to get an effective workout?It IS possible to work out at the airport or on the plane. It won't be a huge sweat session, but it still counts as exercise. When you're on the plane, just getting up and walking around can help your body. Sitting down, lifting your legs and moving your feet into tiny circular motions can also get your blood moving.Hotel fitness rooms are often small and offer little equipment; but if you pack certain items, you can stay in your room and still get some exercise. A great item to bring along is resistance bands. They are light and have different strengths for diffe