Staying Well

8 Ways to Help Your Child Cope with Stress



Stress can be found in children as much as in adults. How do you know when to step in and help?Stress happens in your world whether you want it to or not. Stress can come from work, school or relationships. You may think that adults are the only ones who are capable of becoming stressed and that your child's life is happy and carefree. Sometimes, however, stress can come from within and can easily be found in children as much as it is in adults.Children who first leave home to go to school can go through separation anxiety, encounter bullying or have a harder time following school curriculum. All of these factors can lead to varying levels of stress.How can you help your child if you're noticing signs of stress?It's important that you set up a healthy, positive environment, starting with the food your child is eating. The food kids eat, just like the food you eat, helps fuel their little bodies and brains to get through a busy day.Another important tip is to make sure your children are getting enough sleep. E