3 Minutes With Kent

Tell the boss how great you and your co-workers are



Hey friends so today I wanted to talk about how important it is to communicate and in particular I want to highlight the importance of communicating what you and your team have done to your higher-ups. So anytime that you or your member of your team does something spectacular you should send an email to your boss or to your teammates bought. So there's nothing wrong with saying hey boss, I did this thing and it was really difficult and I really glad that it worked out and I just wanted to let you know kind of celebratory whatever.Theres there's a way to do this that isn't cocky um and the way that you do that is most of the time you don't accomplish this without the assistance of anyone else. And so you can say, hey I boss like I had this problem and I worked with these other people and we figured it out and we just did an awesome job and I just wanted to let you know that your team is awesome. I love working here. A Boston lab stitch here emails like that. You can also do this if it wasn't your accomplishmen