30 Lines

Your Online Presence: What's Working Now?



Apartment Marketing Gone Digital: Episode 92 Websites. (Scratch that ... responsive websites.) SEO. SEM. Display ads. Local Listings. Email. Social media. Multimedia. Ratings and reviews. Location-based services... As the number of places where prospective customers can potentially find you online increases, how can you most effectively manage your online presence beyond your main "storefront"? What's working now? What channels are performing the best? What are some ways to filter through the noise and avoid spending too much time on sites that might not be the best places to connect with your customers? The group discusses the latest options and strategies in this week's episode. Want to join the discussion? Have a question? Submit your comment or question by sending a tweet to @30lines.Apartment Marketing Gone Digital is brought to you by 30 Lines and The Resident Connection, featuring Duncan Alney, Justin Dunckel, Mark Juleen, Jonathan Saar, Bill Szczytko, Mike Whaling and more