Worldbuilder's Anvil

Season 2 Episode 14 Minimumal Viable Planning



Today's Topic – Well start one today   Please Subscribe, Rate and Review us on iTunesFor complete Fantasy Worldbuilding, show notes go to Podcast Show Flow What is the idea of Minimumal Viable Planning Inspires my visions of worldbuilding, but works with much more Goal of MV Planning Show the needed roadway to get something done Tools You need The Five Steps to Achieve your goals – Brendon Burchard This might take research Sample 5 Goals to Selling Courses Online Curriculum Find a message for an audience Beta Launch Course Course Launch Evergreen Launch Minimize your life focusing on what is important Fear of the Theory of 4 Burners James Clear Reducing your decision Outsource As You can Budget for time and money What you need to do Outline what you need to get each of the five things Who, What, When, Where, Why, How Rate on a scale of 1-10 how proficient your are each thing your need Hint if you do not know where to start then your skill is 1 Turn your outline into a list