Branding Blitz

BB5 - Alphabet Soup: UPC, FNSKU, SMH, IDK, TGIF



If you're stuck or confused by UPCs and FNKSUs, you are NOT alone.  I've noticed a ton of people getting hung up on these.  So this episode is my attempt to clear up some of the confusion. We're going to dive deep into some basics here to get an understanding of what the barcodes are and what you need to do with them. The transcript is below, but if you'd like to leave a comment, head over to Hey everybody, welcome back! This is JR and you're listening to the Branding Blitz podcast where I'll take you behind the scenes as I go through the process of trying to strategically use speed and brute force to launch and scale a new brand. This is episode 5 and today I'm going to discuss a topic that seems to be a hang up for a lot of people. I quit using Facebook back in January – when my health started falling apart, I simply didn't have the energy to invest in it. I got back on again this week for two reasons. First, I wanted to look into setting up a page to help promote my new brand.