Everyone's Gay

What It's Like To Be a Mean Girl On Broadway Ft. Grey Henson



Bryan saw Mean Girls on Broadway and Emma Thompson told a girl being noisy, "excuse me, but you really need to stop that." They ask Grey how it was working with Tina Fey, how Broadway shows write and rehearse, and what it was like finding out he got the big part. Grey talks about how fun and tiring it can be playing a high schooler and taking selfies with fans. Bryan shares a trick for getting to the front of Beyonce concerts. At 25:00, they take a letter from a listener struggling to make gay friends. At 31:50, they take another letter from a listener whose gay sister is dating someone. They've been together a couple months and are moving in. Chris used to be friends with five 38-year-old Lesbians. They wrap up asking Grey what he would tell your teenage-age self?