Everyone's Gay

Is My Boyfriend Gay?



Bryan and Chris are back. Chris saw “Bohemian Rhapsody” which he enjoyed but was a little surprised that a movie about Freddie Mercury has no sex of any kind in it. At 8:00 Bryan brings up “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” and the show’s amazing ability to stretch the Khloe pregnancy story line for months. At 11:00 a listener writes in hoping to get a little insight on whether or not her boyfriend is a homosexual or not. 22:40 Chris explains that he was invited to his 10 year high school reunion and also explains why his won’t be attending. At 25:50 a listener writes in wondering if he should keep contact with a long distance flame who now has a boyfriend. Thanks to our sponsors!  Care/of- For 25% off your first month of personalized Care/of vitamins, visit TakeCareOf.com and enter Promo Code GAY. Go to Tom BoyX.com/BETCHES and check out their special bundles and pack pricing. And EVERYONE’S GAY listeners get an extra 15% off with code BETCHES.