Fit With Sharon

STOP Dieting and Lose Weight



Tired of Dieting and Bingeing? STOP!Eat Whatever You Want and Lose Weight NO Diet NO Deprivation NO Forbidden Foods NO Magic Pills NO Potions NO Problem If you've given up on losing weight because you couldn't stick to a diet or if you've lost weight on a diet and regained all the weight back... we have a simple solution. And that is to Eat whatever you want and lose weight with no diet. The "NO Diet" issue was brought to the forefront by The American Heart Association and their book the No Fad Diet' - the "75% Solution". This approach to losing weight is perfect for individuals who have trouble starting and sticking to a diet because there is no diet. Get the whole story as well as some additional tips to help you stop dieting, eat whatever you want and lose weight. Bottom line: Since there's NO diet to go on... there's NO diet to go off... so now you can end the cycle of dieting and bingeing forever and lose weight for good.