Fork Full Of Noodles With Krish Mohan

The Supreme Court Decides On Behalf Of Corporations & Racism! [FFON 235]



The Supreme Court is the highest court in the land, but it's also the most corrupt and bias! Their history riddled with racism and corporatism that goes against everything the founding fathers set up! #SupremeCourt #RoeVWage #CitizensUnited Written, Edited & Filmed by Krish Mohan Music: "Blue" by Old Game Download their album: Follow, Subscribe & Donate: Thanks to our current Patrons: Adam & Swarna, Aiden, Lee & Eleanor, Eduardo, Gregory W., Gregg, Hayley, Jason, Joseph, Michael, Uli, Vickie, Jay, Kathryn, Zack, Patrick, Bharat, Andrew S., Jay Jackson, Martha, Sara, Teri, Marisa & Don!