Paradigm Shift With Christina Martini

015 Executive Coaching with John Mitchell- Part 2 of a 3 Part Series



In this episode, Christina Martini and John Mitchell discuss: What criteria gets lawyers hired Executive coaching for lawyers Building on skills Coaches being a tool of accountability Key Takeaways: A lawyer’s temperament and customer-oriented service are big factors in whether he/she gets hired or not With executive coaching, the entire focus is on the client’s needs… so for coaching a lawyer, that translates to focusing on what the lawyer wants to do with his/her career, not what the firm wants to do Being able to give your clients feedback raises their awareness of something that you’re seeing Even if you have a therapist that’s also a coach, he/she is not supposed to play both roles with the same client “One of the hallmarks of a great coach is not their training or experience, it’s their willingness to stick their own neck on the line, take the risk of getting fired and say ‘the emperor’s not wearing any clothes.'” —  John Mitchell &nbs