Decoding Excellence

Vehicle Version: Strategies Behind Agile Organizations



In this episode of the Decoding Excellence Show, we're returning to our Monday Minute and Vehicle Version (explains the audio difference) and are discussing some of the strategies behind agile startups, tools we utilize to enhance our departmental communication, and what we need to do as an industry to be prepare for the next pandemic. As a reminder, our Monday Minutes shows are a quick 10-15 minute episode where I discuss current industry trends, research reads, current events, and occasionally offer my insights into the training process that we're undertaking each week. I believe with conviction, you'll take away something interesting from this show and I hope it delivers you a little bit of value in your day. As always, thank you for supporting The Decoding Excellence Show! In addition to those social mediums, you can head over to and sign-up for my weekly newsletter. This is a newsletter for the curious. It's chalked full of interesting articles I've read through the week, thing