Women's Leadership, Women's Career Development, Business Executive Coaching & Podcast By Sabrina Braham Ma Ppc

A Fail Proof System to Develop Business Relationships for Women



Business Relationships for Women Have you ever felt frustrated or stuck in a job you don’t like? Or maybe you just graduated from college or are back in the workforce after taking care of kids? Or you own your own small business and need to generate new clients and customers to stay in business? Good news. These all share a common solution. This is the same solution that most successful people, including some of the greatest leaders in the world, have been using for centuries. It is developing an entourage of business relationships that will help you when you have a need. Using the tips you’ll get from this episode of Women’s Leadership Success, you will never be alone. You will always have the support from a group of people who have your back, no matter what. If it sounds too good to be true, this is one program you can't afford to miss. Leslie Grossman will explain what to do and how to do it so you see the best possible payoff from your networking activities to build business relationships. The Lesl