

Women in Business and Stress Management We’ve all felt it, the oppressive feeling we’ll never get everything done, make everyone happy, and fulfill all our roles in life. We lie awake at night worrying about what might happen tomorrow — and may happen because we’re so tired and stressed... Stress is a big word in every woman’s vocabulary. Go to the doctor with a complaint and too often the initial diagnosis will be “stress.” Stress management for women adds a new dimension felt by women in business, new mothers or discontented wives or daughters. In the workplace we must shine and prove our worth. We expected to demonstrate we’re as good or better than any man, without letting any man recognize we’re doing it. We contend with male bias along with our personal goal to get closer to that glass ceiling. Are women stressed? You bet we are. That’s why every woman can learn important lessons from today’s guest, Jenny Evans. Jenny Evans: Stress Management for Women Tips Jenny C. Evans is a speaker, author of