3 Minutes With Kent

How to approach writing tests



Hey there friends. So today I'm going to talk about testing and the users of your code and how you should think about like how what do I test? So pretty common question. And the answer is basically you take a unit of code that you want to have tested that could be a single function or it could be an entire application. It really just comes down to what you want to get confidence in. Most of us are probably in the camp of like I just want my to be sure that my entire application works and that's great. And that'sTypically where where I'm thinking and in my own mindset sometimes though, it's hard to accomplish the thing that you're trying to test from a whole application perspective and that's when you go to lower level forms of testing but that's not what I'm going to talk about today. So once you've identified the unit of code that you want to have tested the next thing you need to do is think about who the users of that code are. So if we're talking about a react component, for example, then you're going to