
#10: What Does “Healthy Birth” Even Mean?



Among her 5 children, Alanna Smith has had just about every type of childbirth experience you can have, and each one has left an impression and shaped her perspective. In episode 10 she shares the ups and downs of childbirth—and how, by the time she had her 4th baby, she found what she was looking for in a healthy birth. And it may not be what you expect. Her story includes frantic phone calls and late night pondering, lots of research and many prayers. There were difficult conversations and fights with doctors, and moments of insight and peace that sustained her through a controversial decision. Alanna’s experiences and conclusions are striking and full of hard-won wisdom. And they got us thinking about what it means to have a healthy childbirth. We often think of childbirth as a success if both mother and baby come through it alive and with a minimum amount of physical scarring. Forceps bruises will fade, C-section scars will heal. But there’s no accounting for emotional distress, feeling disre