On Air With Nikki Leigh

Nikki Leigh Talks With Barbara Techel & Frankie



Frankie the Walk and Roll Dog is a true, inspirational story about a dachshund whose life started out just like any other dog walking on all four paws until a spinal injury leaves her paralyzed. Frankie is custom fitted for a wheelchair and learns to keep on rolling. Her zest for life will have you cheering and she will give you hope that all things are possible. Frankie will leave an everlasting and loving paw print on your heart. A book for all ages to teach overcoming challenges and also compassion for the physically challenged.This book has the ability and charm to appeal to many people and I was surprised by how much this wonderful story touched me. We feel this story will reach out and touch the heart of many people - in particular: parents, grandparents, pet owners, people with disabilities, people with loved ones with disabilities, teachers, and many more.Website: http://www.joyfulpaws.com/Primary Blog Address: http://joyfulpaws.typepad.com/Frankie's blog: http://frankiethewalknrolldog.blogspot.com/ht