Solo Talk

Unleaseh the Power of Your Focus!



Friday October 28th at Noon EST: Consultant and speaker Christine Giri joins Donna Amos to discuss Capturing Time More Effectively!   Christine Giri founded Time Tamer Consulting with the belief that time spent effectively is not about Daytimers and Blackberries, but rather about combining focus with innovative systemsthat reflect the needs and direction of a business.   Learn the strategies for managing your Inbox, social media, your clients, your schedule, and creating the processes in your business to help you use your time more effectively.  When you eliminate wasted efforts, you are less constrained by time and more open to getting things done. The results will bring your attention back to what is important to move your business forward.   Christine is the author of Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn: A Quick-Start Guide and provides custom social media and time management consulting and workshops for businesses of all sizes.   Christine will share five steps to conquer your Inbox, how processes can save y