Musings On Astrology With Lynn Hayes

Musings on Astrology: What Mercury retrograde is good for



Musings on Astrology is an astrology talk show offered every Sunday morning at 11 am Eastern. Your host is Lynn Hayes, astrologer since 1983. Mercury retrograde periods are developing quite a reputation, even among people who don't "believe in" astrology. When Mercury appears to travel in reverse from our perspective on earth, a phenomenon we call "retrograde motion," communication can get a little quirky. Email stops working, phone systems break down, contract negotiations require endless debate. Mercury turns retrograde for three weeks four times a year, and will do so on August 20th. In this show we'll be talking about what to watch for, and how you can use this time to your advantage. I'll start taking calls about halfway through the show, so you can ask a question about your own chart (first-time callers only please). The call-in number is 646-478-5731. These calls are best suited to a particular question - there is not time in the show to do a general reading! If you'd like a personal consul