Hillary's Yoga Practice Podcast

PODCAST #5 - Reacting vs. Responding Level 1/2 Class



The other day I found out something that I was not supposed to know and got upset. I was pissed off really taking this personally then reacted from a place of feeling lack, not being recognized or considered in this situation. This was not the best choice for me to do but then I went to my car and realized with a little space from the situation that I totally reacted and didn't take a moment to actually turn in to myself and breathe knowing there is an abundant universe. Taking this to my mat into my practice I could see how I move fast in a pose almost like a reaction instead of staying with my breath working through it. As the holidays come closer check to see if you are moving from your ego body or your bigger sense of the whole this is a great practice especially when in a place of discomfort. Yoga is about responding with knowledge and from a space of feeling connected to something bigger inside and out to do this in the practice we initiate the poses from the back body allowing the front to be soft and